7 Tips For Designing a Wine Cellar for Your Collection

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7 Tips For Designing a Wine Cellar for Your Collection

Dec 30, 2020
2 min read

Wine collections are impressive. They take wine connoisseurs years to acquire. When you take the time to gather the perfect collection of wine, you’ll need a place to store it. These seven modern luxury design tips for designing a wine cellar will help you plan the best one for your home.

 1.        Focus on the Temperature

The temperature should be a big focus of your wine cellar. When you store wine for an extended time, make sure you’re storing it in the proper temperature and humidity levels. Confirm that your cellar’s temperature stays between 55 degrees Fahrenheit and 58 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity levels should be from 50% to 70%.

 2.        Personalize Your Cellar

Design your wine cellar around your home’s style. That way, your cellar will blend into your home seamlessly. Wine cellars come in modern, industrial, and rustic looks.

 3.        Consider Vibration

If you store your wine in a place that vibrates, this could diminish your wine’s flavor and aroma. Vibration prevents wine’s sediments from separating, which decreases the tartaric acid and succinic acid in the wine. Both chemicals produce the delectable flavors of the berries, fruits, and other elements that you can taste in your wine.

 4.        Avoid light

When you have wine stored for longer than a year, you’ll want to make sure that it’s stored in a place free of consequential, direct light. Wine that is stored in a lit area may spoil due to a reaction involving the phenolic compounds. Light wines are at a higher risk of spoiling in light, so be especially cautious when storing them.

 5.        Available Cellar Space

Storing wine properly requires space. Ensure that you have enough room for an increasing collection instead of just planning space for what you already own. The best thing to do is to leave space for around 25% to 30% wine growth. If your wine collection already contains several hundred bottles, make sure that you have room for 50 to 100 more.

 6.        Choose Between Portable Storage and Built-In Storage

If you’re in a home that you intend to stay in through your retirement years, then consider a built-in wine cellar. If you want to move soon, then portable storage is a better option. That way, you can bring it with you to your next home.

 7.        Plan for Easy Organization

It’s essential to organize your wine cellar to find the wine that you want to drink at any moment. You won’t want to keep pulling bottles out to find the right one. Sort your bottles by region, variety, or type.

 Luxury Living in Las Vegas

The MacDonald Highlands neighborhood features luxury homes, the kind with wine cellars, and spa bathrooms. These luxury design tips will help you personalize your wine cellar. To learn more about our community and the homes that we have available, contact us today.

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