5 Landscaping Tips for the Beginner Hobbyist
News Home5 Landscaping Tips for the Beginner Hobbyist

When you’re purchasing a home for the first time, the maintenance and upkeep may seem like a lot. This is especially true with outdoor spaces. To help, we’re offering these five landscaping tips for beginner gardeners.
1. Start with Small Landscaping Additions
If you like to watch home and garden TV shows, then you’ve likely seen landscaping makeovers that are complete in just a few days. Keep in mind that these changes are possible when you have a team of 60 or more people working together. Beginning gardeners should start with small landscaping changes or additions. Tackle one flowerbed at a time. Work on it every weekend for an hour or two. Then, you can move onto other areas.
2. Keep Greenery by Water
When you’re planning a new garden or flowerbed, be sure to keep it close to a water source. That way, you won’t have to haul water to it every time you water your plants. To check if plants need water, just press your finger an inch into the soil. If it feels dry, then it needs water.
3. Use Quality Soil
Start a garden or landscaping area with quality soil. Invest in dirt that’s rich with nutrients and well-drained. Before planting anything new, be sure to give your green things the best possible start by blending Miracle-Gro with the existing soil.
4. Buy Plants Based on Your Zone
At the nursery, check the zone of the plants that you want to buy. Shopping local makes this easier because garden places in the area are more likely to carry plants that will do well in Nevada. The zone listing defines the coldest place that a plant can grow and thrive. Higher zone numbers indicate that a plant needs a warmer climate. The zone in the Vegas area is 8b and 9a.
5. Include Mulch
Add a layer of mulch to any new landscaping element that you decide to install. With plants, make sure that the mulch measures 2 inches to 3 inches deep around every plant. Mulch limits weeds by decreasing the amount of sun that can reach the dirt. It also holds moisture in place, allowing you to water your plants less. You’re sure to love the finished look that mulch adds to a home’s exterior landscaping.
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