Guide to Building a Custom Home Remotely

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Guide to Building a Custom Home Remotely

Jun 16, 2021
5 min read
custom home in Las Vegas

It’s becoming popular to buy a home remotely these days. In fact, it’s almost standard practice for home sellers to duck out of a home closing with pre-signed paperwork. Today, many buyers are opting to purchase their luxury homes remotely as well. Some people are even starting to build a custom home while living in another state or country. Here’s a guide to building a custom home remotely.

Hire Good People

Even though there are many homes for sale in Henderson Nevada, to get everything that you want in a home, you’ll need to build. If you’re doing it remotely, it’s important to hire good people. You’ll want to hire a trusted company and contractor. Take the time to research builders in the area where you’re planning to construct your home. To vet companies, you can tour home shows and attend a few open houses. You can also read up on builders and contractors online as well as in magazines.

It might be a good idea to hire a real estate agent. You can pay him or her to check on your home as it’s being built to make sure that everything is going in properly and to code. A real estate agent will also be able to help you with the purchasing paperwork and be there when it’s time to close.

Talk with Your Construction Team

With the many houses for sale Henderson NV, it’s a good idea to tour some of them to see what design elements and features are popular right now. This can help you manage costs and decide what to put into your custom home.

Search for a builder and a contractor who communicate clearly with one another and you. This is vital when you’re building a home remotely. It will also help you make sure that everything comes together in your home the way that you wanted it to. Today, technology is available that makes staying in touch with people fast and easy. Your builder can use a smartphone or a tablet to show you samples and the progress that’s being made. This will help you make design decisions from a distance.

To make sure that you can communicate with your construction team effectively, consider how comfortable each contractor that you interview is with technology like digital cameras and smartphones. The easiest way for you to see how things are coming on your custom home is for your contractor to take photos and text them to you.

custom home in Las Vegas

Visit the Site

Try to visit the construction site of your custom home at least once a month. If you can’t be there that frequently, make it a point to be there during critical times of the construction process such as when the kitchen cabinets are going in or when the flooring material arrives. You’ll want to see how the home is arranged and what the proportions look like in person to make sure that everything is coming together as expected.

If something isn’t coming together right, you’ll want to be able to change it before too much progress is made for cost purposes. The last thing that you want is for there to be unexpected surprises when you arrive to move in.

Manage Costs

When building a home from a distance, you might be curious if it will cost you more than it would to build locally. As long as you hire good people to construct your dream home, the cost to build should be about the same. It could even cost you less based on how much the local labor rates and material costs are.

You might also find it easier to stay on budget if you’re not onsite making emotional decisions. It’s easy to drive up costs by falling in love with pricier materials. If you’re not seeing them in person, you may be able to focus more on staying within your budget.

Embrace Your Patient Side

It sounds like a no-brainer but embracing your patient side is an important part of entering into a successful long-distance building endeavor. Since you won’t be able to be at the job site as often or as easily as you would if you were building a home locally, it will likely be tough for you to take in the different factors that may cause the construction of your home to become delayed.

When you decide to build a home remotely, it’s important to let go of some of the control and trust the people you hired to make your dream home a reality.

custom home in Las Vegas

Who is Remote Home Buying Good For?

Purchasing a home remotely is a great choice for:

• People who are buying their second home

• Parents who are planning to purchase a home for one of their kids

• Investors who are from a different state

Overall, buying a home remotely is the same as purchasing one in person. You will just be more dependent on the people you hire.

Building Your Dream Home

When you’re building a custom home in Las Vegas, you’ll have the opportunity to include every detail that you’ve always wanted in your dream home. Building in the MacDonald Highlands community means that you’ll get the chance to live in a neighborhood with the best amenities. For more information about becoming a resident, reach out to us at (702) 614-9100.

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