Top Reasons to Live in a Las Vegas Gated Community

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Top Reasons to Live in a Las Vegas Gated Community

Feb 13, 2023
6 min read

Gated communities in Las Vegas are popular places to live. While there are usually more expenses that come with living in a gated community, the benefits typically outweigh them. Here are the top reasons to live in a Las Vegas gated community. 

More Security

gated communities in las vegas

Gated communities are built in specified areas where security personnel can monitor them for suspicious behavior. Living in a gated community makes you less likely to experience criminal activity like burglaries and vandalism. 

People who are not residents of a gated community will need to provide identification to security staff confirming that they’ve been invited onto the premises. Most gated communities feature surveillance cameras that offer an extra level of security. 

Increased Property Value 

The cost of living in a gated community is usually higher than in other types of neighborhoods due to HOA fees, but the property value is often higher, making it worth the cost. 

Las Vegas luxury homes in gated communities also have higher design and quality standards, which means that they are less likely to lose value when the real estate market fluctuates. It’s typically easier to resell a gated community home since many people prefer the benefits of living in them. 

Greater Sense of Community 

las vegas luxury homes

Gated community residents frequently experience a greater sense of community. A major reason why people say they prefer living in gated communities is that they are more likely to become friends with their neighbors. When neighbors are friends, their community is more robust. It also increases the safety of your home when you go on vacation or leave for a work trip. If you’re friends with your neighbors, they’ll be more likely to notice a stranger in your home. 

You Won’t Have to Deal with Solicitors 

You’ve probably had your “No Solicitors” sign ignored if you’ve lived in a non-gated community. Living in a gated neighborhood means you will no longer have to worry about solicitors knocking on your door. 

Amazing Landscaping 

Gated communities are usually well-landscaped, and HOA fees pay for things like pretty green spaces. This feature enhances the time that you spend in your neighborhood. When your home is located in a beautiful area, you’ll want to spend time outside enjoying it. You may feel inspired to take long walks and hike around, increasing your activity levels and improving your overall health. 

Living in a community with professional landscaping is sure to give you an added sense of pride when you invite friends and family to your home for holiday events and weekly barbecues. 

Eco-Friendly Lifestyle 

An eco-friendly lifestyle may not be the first thing you think of when you consider moving into a gated community. Still, water districts have formed powerful partnerships with several HOAs, and these partnerships frequently offer financial encouragement to a community’s HOA to develop landscaping that’s water friendly. 

The partnerships result in desert beauty landscaping and vibrant outdoor spaces. When community developers plant drought-resistant plants, the landscaping turns into one that’s earth friendly. Gated community homes and common spaces located in older neighborhoods with an HOA are replacing landscaping with a lot of water with reduced water-based designs. 

In many gated communities, lovely, vibrant water-efficient landscaping is taking the place of water features like fountains and waterfalls. The Southern Nevada Water Authority in Las Vegas will help communities with the cost of renovating landscaping. The division provides a rebate of up to $3 a square foot to help cover changes that are more eco-friendly. 

Support for saving water and rebates produces a successful situation for every resident. HOAs see a decrease in their water bills and a reduction in their maintenance costs—the city of Las Vegas and the country benefit from less water use. 

High-End Lifestyle and Status 

Gated communities often offer residents access to amenities. In these neighborhoods, amenities may range from fitness centers to onsite restaurants. If you select a community with a fitness center, you may even be able to take exercise classes along with having access to exercise equipment. That way, you won’t have to join a gym. The high-end lifestyle provided by gated communities may also include amenities like clubhouses, golf courses, and hiking trails. 

Community spaces with pools, meeting rooms and dog parks are often a part of a gated neighborhood as well. When you become a gated community resident, you’ll likely receive invitations to community activities, and these activities encourage residents to interact with one another. Find Out What do high end homes have in common here.

More Peace and Quiet 

People who decide to live in gated communities enjoy more peace and quiet. The traffic in gated communities is often minimal, which decreases noise. When the traffic is light, there is less risk of vehicle accidents. Gated communities may also require residents to keep the noise down at a certain time. 

A Community Filled with Quality Las Vegas Luxury Homes 

Many homeowners have pride in homeownership. However, people have a different ideas of what that means, so you can feel comfortable building your dream home in a gated community where there are home design requirements. You won’t have to worry about living next to neighbors who don’t take care of their yards or ones who decorate with tacky yard ornaments. 

When you live in a gated community, you’ll never face a situation in which a neighbor installs a chain link fence or paints their home a shade of bright yellow. You’ll enjoy a standard of home quality due to building codes that require a uniform design. 

How to Choose the Right Gated Community 

When you’re ready to move into a gated community, it’s important to pick the right one. Be sure to consider the following: 

 • Location 

 • Cost 

 • Regulations 


Las Vegas luxury homes in gated communities are often located in areas of the city that offer an amazing view of the natural scenery. Location is one of the most important factors when choosing to live in a gated community. If there’s a part of town where you’ve always wanted to live, search for gated communities. 

You may want to buy a home that’s close to family members or friends. In that case, your search for a gated community will be limited. 


Cost is another significant consideration when searching for the right gated community. You may need to talk to a financial expert to determine your budget for living in this type of neighborhood. Once you start shopping for one, ask about the dues that the community requires throughout the year. 

Gated communities in Las Vegas usually have an HOA that will charge fees. You may also need to pay for amenities and membership fees. 


Gated neighborhoods come with their own regulations. Before investing in a home located in one, review the rules and regulations. Make sure there aren’t requirements that are deal breakers for you. For instance, some communities may not permit pets or long-term houseguests. 

Gated Communities in Las Vegas 

MacDonald Highlands is one of the top gated communities in the United States. As a resident, you’ll appreciate the community’s added safety features and resort-like amenities. For more information about the MacDonald Highlands community, call us at (702) 614-9100.

gated communities in las vegas
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