Category: Uncategorized

What Fair Housing Is and Why They Matter to You

Apr 5, 2017
1 min read

All realtors may be different in personality and approach. Maybe your high-end real estate realtor jokes with you and finds something you both have in common to create a relationship. Maybe they ask you to sit down and write out a list of your wants in a luxury real estate lot. Maybe they are quiet and reserved, but still resourceful when you tour a property.

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Celebrate National Ice Cream Day on High-End Real Estate

Apr 5, 2017
2 min read

How are you all dealing with this hot summer? We’re sure with your luxury real estate lot, keeping cool is not too much of a challenge. But considering today’s topic, this new challenge we have will give you a tasteful way to keep cool.

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Fourth of July Firework Safety on Your High End Real Estate

Apr 5, 2017
3 min read

We know what you’re up to this time of year. While you’re throwing a Fourth of July barbecue on your luxury real estate lot, you may be inclined to set off a few fireworks. As long as they aren’t illegal, we at MacDonald Highlands want you to have as much fun as possible. However, make sure you do it in a safe manner.

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Fun Kitchen Appliances for Your Luxury Real Estate Lot

Apr 5, 2017
3 min read

Whenever you use the kitchen on your luxury real estate lot, it should be a fun experience and never a chore. After all, you spent all that money for the best in contemporary architecture and the cutting-edge amenities. Don’t be afraid to use it at your leisure and explore your culinary creativity. While nothing can beat a live-in chef who cooks gourmet food, you should still be able to enjoy cooking in your own kitchen with some of these fun appliances.

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How Property Value Creates High End Real Estate

Apr 5, 2017
3 min read

Last week, we touched on the definition of luxury real estate. In essence, for a property to be considered high-end real estate, a seasoned appraiser must inspect it. MacDonald Highlands has had plenty of professionals to appraise our land, which inflated our value in Las Vegas luxury real estate accordingly. But what were the amenities the appraiser justified in making MacDonald Highlands the exemplary of high end real estate? Below are the reasons why MacDonald Highlands is the supreme in Las Vegas luxury real estate.

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Creating Your Perfect Wine Cellar on Your Luxury Lot

Apr 5, 2017
4 min read

Forget the living room. Forget the kitchen. You can even forget which décor you are going for this week. You must put all those concerns aside, as one of the most important rooms in your luxury real estate owning life needs your undivided attention.

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5 of The Most Expensive Celebrity High End Real Estates

Apr 5, 2017
2 min read

MacDonald Highlands offers the most beautiful plots of Las Vegas land and luxury real estate lots the world over. Because of our incomparable Vegas vistas, resident amenities and proximity to shopping centers and schools, anyone who lives here will feel like a celebrity.

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Exotic Animals Perfect for High End Real Estate Living

Apr 5, 2017
1 min read

MacDonald Highlands wants everyone to enjoy the benefits of luxury living, including our furry friends. While adopting a cat or dog into your home is an excellent idea, sometimes you may find yourself interested in exotic animals. While they entail more responsibility, care and attention on the owner’s behalf, caring for an exotic pet can be rewarding. Here are a few animals perfect for luxury living.

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Living Room Essentials in Your Luxury Home

Apr 5, 2017
2 min read

The living room is the most versatile room in a house. It can act as the meeting place for the people you invite to your lavish parties to where you can relax curled up beside the fireplace. Regardless how you use your living room, the two most important aspects never to compromise on are style and comfort. Ensure your luxury living room by considering these essential living room features.

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Things to Remember When Building Your Luxury Home

Apr 5, 2017
3 min read

Designing your dream, luxury home gives you the freedom and control to let your mind run wild and build the perfect place that fits your personality. If there is one thing we can guarantee, it is that you will most likely experience one of every type of emotion possible. But don’t let this deter you from building the home you’ve always wanted. The process is also very exciting and well worth it in the end when you take the first steps into your new home. To help minimize the stress and anxiety of constructing your new home from the ground up, we have some things to keep in mind along the way.

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